*: SqliteWrappers: Code to use SQLite in various languages. *: SqliteTclPackageWrapper: Code to use SQLite package in Tcl. *: LanguageNotes: Hints for making the best use of the SQL language understood by SQLite. *: HowToCompile: Notes on compiling SQLite for various architectures. *: CodeWarrior: Notes on compiling on MacOS using CodeWarrior *: SqliteUsers: A list of projects and programs that use SQLite. *: MultiThreading: Notes on multithreading issues using SQLite. *: InMemoryDatabase: Notes on how to use SQLite for in-memory tables. *: PrecompiledSql: Notes on the speed advantages of precompiled SQL. *: UnsupportedSql: Features of SQL that SQLite does not support. *: PerformanceConsiderations: Situations in which SQLite does and doesn't perform well compared to other database engines. *: BuildOnWindowsWithTcl: A hack to build on windows using TCL. *: ConverterTools: Tools to convert SQLite databases from/to other database formats and DBMSes. *: {link: http://bobmanc.home.comcast.net/sqlitecc.html SQLiteCC}: SQLite Control Center is a visual tool for working on SQLite database files similar to MySQL CC. *: {link: http://sqlitebrowser.sourceforge.net SQLite Database Browser}: SQLite Database Browser is a freeware, public domain, open source visual tool used to create, design and edit database files compatible with SQLite.. *: {link: http://www.eztools-software.com/sqliteplus.htm SQLitePlus Database Manager}: GUI tool used to create, view and edit SQLite databases, similar to MS Query Analyzer. *: ReadLine: License heads-up about readline in the sqlite utility