**Other Projects That Interact With SQLite** *: ManagementAndQueryTools: Programs to help you manage SQLite databases. *: ConverterTools: Programs to convert SQLite databases from/to other database formats and DBMSes. *: SqliteWrappers: Code to use SQLite in various programming languages. *: SqliteOdbc: Driver to access SQLite through ODBC *: SqliteNetwork: Code to use SQLite over Networks. *: SqliteReporting: Tools for producing reports from SQLite databases. *: SqlitePorts: Ports to other operating systems/environments, not officially supported. *: SqliteCompetitors: Comparisons between SQLite and other database engines *: SqliteUsers: A list of projects and programs that use SQLite. **Information On SQLite Internals** *: DateAndTimeFunctions: Notes on how the new (experimental) date and time functions for SQLite work. *: MultiThreading: Notes on multithreading issues using SQLite. *: InMemoryDatabase: Notes on how to use SQLite for in-memory tables. *: SqliteTclPackageWrapper: Code to use SQLite package in Tcl. *: PerformanceConsiderations: Situations in which SQLite does and doesn't perform well compared to other database engines. *: LanguageNotes: Hints for making the best use of the SQL language understood by SQLite. *: UnsupportedSql: Features of SQL that SQLite does not support. **Notes On Compiling SQLite** *: HowToCompile: Notes on compiling SQLite for various architectures. *: ReadLine: License for the use of readline in sqlite.exe and hints for OSX *: BuildOnWindowsWithTcl: A hack to build on windows using TCL. **Hints For Using SQLite More Effectively** *: ShellScript: Example shell scripts for creating databases. *: InformationSchema: The information schema consists of a set of views that contain information about the objects defined in the current database. *: SqliteWikiFaq: A FAQ style in the wiki, ask questions about Sqlite! *: IdxChk: Utility to report index usage for a query. *: UndoRedo: Techniques for implementing undo/redo in an application that uses SQLite as its primary data structure. *: ConsoleForTclTk: Source code and examples for a Tk console for SQLite *: InteractiveTextFieldEditing: A demonstration of the edit() function that is built into the ConsoleForTclTk. *: ForeignKeyTriggers: How to use triggers to implement foreign key constraints in SQLite. **Information About This Wiki** *: WikiDocumentation about how to use this wiki *: AddingNewPages to this wiki. Or CreatingNewWiki **Older Pages And Pages That Fit No Other Category** *: SpeedComparison: comparing SQLite, PostgreSQL, MySQL and FirebirdSQL *: PerformanceTuning: Information from the group on how to tune your queries *: PerformanceTuningWindows: Information on tuning SQlite for a Windows Enviroment (touchs on Delphi too) *: BlueSky: Ideas for enhancements to SQLite. *: ClientServer: Ideas for Client/Server enhancements to SQLite *: SqliteThree: Stuff related to sqlite version 3. *: WhenToUseSqlite: Notes on when SQLite is an appropriate choice for a database engine.