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  			<P>30 days</P>
+ 	<TR>
+ 		<td><p><br></p></td>
+ 		<td><p>x</p></td>
+ 		<td><p><br></p></td>
+ 		<td><p><br></p></td>
+ 		<TD>
+ 			<P><A HREF="">SQLite Expert</A></P>
+ 		</TD>
+ 		<TD>
+ 			<P>SQLite Expert is a commercial tool that enables you to easily administer your SQLite3 databases. Restructure tables visually without losing existing data. Create SQL scripts and views using the integrated Query Builder. Import/export data, visually edit data in the grid, including BLOB and image fields.</P>
+ 		</TD>
+ 		<TD>
+ 			$59</P>
+ 		</TD>
+ 		<TD>
+ 			<P>30 days</P>
+ 		</TD>
+ 	</TR>
  	<TR BGCOLOR="#ccffbf">