Small. Fast. Reliable.
Choose any three.
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  header file to find out exactly what they do, if you are curious.
  The simplest approach is just to use them as shown above.</p>
+ <h2>How To Build a Loadable Extension Shared Library on Linux</h2>
+ <blockquote><pre>
+ 0. untar latest sqlite3 source code in a new directory
+ 1. cd to the newly untarred sqlite directory
+ 2. Comment out the line in to enable loadable extensions:
+ 3. ./configure LIBS=-ldl && make sqlite3
+ 4. export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="`pwd`:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH"
+ 5. gcc -I`pwd` -shared src/test_loadext.c -o
+ 6. ./sqlite3
+ <tt>
+ SQLite version 3.3.17
+ Enter ".help" for instructions
+ sqlite> .load testloadext_init
+ sqlite> select half(7);
+ 3.5
+ </tt>
+ </blockquote></pre>
  <h2>Wish List</h2>