***SQLiteNet Native .NET Assembly*** SQLiteNet is a C++ managed wrapper for SQLite. It was create by a company called "Red Loop" and then abandoned. One of the group members loaded the source into the files area (and the original is still there). I decided to use it for a project and then decided to change to add/modify a few bits. To stop any confusion with the original I have a web page http://www.ag-software.com/sqlite/ which you can download the source/assembly and a VB.NET sample application. These projects were developed using MDE 2003 version 7.1.3088. **SQLiteNet Object Model** {linebreak} Assembly SQLiteNET SQLiteNET.dll{linebreak} Namespace SQLiteNET{linebreak} _:Public Class Database DocumentationSqliteNetDatabase {linebreak} _:Public Class SQLiteNet DocumentationSqliteNetSqliteNet {linebreak} _:Public Class SQLiteException DocumentationSqliteNetSqliteException {linebreak} _:Public Enum DB_DATA_TABLE_MODE As Integer DocumentationSqliteNetDbDataTableMode {linebreak} _:Public Enum DB_EVENT_MODE As Integer DocumentationSqliteNetDbEventMode {linebreak} _:Public Enum SQLITE_RESULTS DocumentationSqliteNetSqliteResults {linebreak} **Example** {linebreak} Dim DB As SQLiteNET.DataBase ' Define the object{linebreak} Dim LocaLDataTable As DatATable 'Define a local datatable object{linebreak} Try{linebreak} DB = New SQLiteNET.DataBase("c:\dbfile.db") ' Create a new object{linebreak} DB.Execute("Select * from SQLite_master") 'Execute a query{linebreak} LocalDatATable = DB.DataTable{linebreak} Catch ex As SQLiteNET.SQLiteException{linebreak} MessageBox.Show(ex.ErrorCode){linebreak} End Try{linebreak} DB.Close(){linebreak} If you have any question regarding this object or it's use please check the source (it has comments) and if you want email me on vbsqlite.at.ag-software.com