**Using SQLite on a Network** SQLite database files may be shared accross a network using a network filesystem. This is never a particularly efficient method and may have problems (depending on the filesystem, or may simply not be available. These are alternative techniques for remote access to SQLite databases. *uSQLiteServer and Client* (http://users.iol.it/irwin/) The uSQLiteServer implements a simple ASCII protocol to access an SQLite database over sockets. The corresponding C client allows access to the server using exec/callback functions similiar to those in the C API interface. It is not a drop in replacement but should be easy to retrofit. There is also a basic security implementation to control access to the database. It is in the public domain. *SQLite ODBC Driver* (http://www.ch-werner.de/sqliteodbc/) OpenSource BSD Licensed (Windows and Linux) Note that this is in an experimental state and any feedback is appreciated. So far it has been tested with SQLite 2.8.15 and SQLite 3.0.7 on Windows NT/2000 in MS Excel 97 (MSQUERY) with SQLite database files created on Linux. It also runs on Linux with unixODBC 2.{0,1}.x and with libiodbc 3.0.6. {linebreak} {linebreak} I know that the developer of the SQLite ODBC Driver has no time to continue development in the next months because of his job.{linebreak} *Is there someone who could help him to update the ODBC driver to the current SQLite versions 2.8.16 and 3.2.7?* {linebreak} This would also help for the integration of SQLite into OpenOffice 2: (http://dba.openoffice.org/drivers/sqlite/index.html) {linebreak} {linebreak} *SQLiteDBMS* (http://sqlitedbms.sourceforge.net/) BSD license (beta) *:sqlite3 + TCP/IP server daemon *:HTTP request, XML response *:Includes simple webserver *:Basic HTTP authentication *:Access control(DB, TABLE) *:Extended SQL for admin 1::SHOW DATABASE 1::SHOW USER 1::SHOW TABLE [TABLENAME] 1::SHOW INDEX [TABLENAME] 1::SHOW TRIGGER [TABLENAME] 1::SHOW VERSION 1::SHOW STATUS 1::DESC TABLENAME | VIEWNAME 1::CREATE DATABASE DBNAME 1::DROP DATABASE DBNAME 1::CREATE USER ID PASSWORD [SUPERUSER] 1::DROP USER ID 1::GRANT [CREATE] {GRANT OPTIONS} 1::REVOKE [CREATE] {GRANT OPTIONS} *::more.. *:Client tools(HTML, JavaScript) *:and more features..