IBM has released its Java-based SQL database engine {quote: "CloudScape"} as an open source tool named "Derby". This page offers a comparison of Derby and SQLite. Additional information about CloudScape is available at , and Derby at . The information provided on this page was initially written based on a reading of the on-line documentation of Derby. Though the information is believed to be correct, the author is not a Derby expert and may have misunderstood parts of the documentation. If you find errors, you are encouraged to fix them. *Overall* Both SQLite and Derby operates directly from disk. Only parts of the database file(s) that are needed in order to carry out the requested operations are read. *Zero-Administration* Both SQLite and Derby offer zero-administration, embeddable SQL database engines. SQLite stores all the data in a single cross-platform disk file. Derby spreads its data across multiple disk files. *Host Language Support* SQLite is written in ANSI-C. It supports bindings to dozens of language, including Java. Derby is written in Java and is thus usable by Java and scripting languages that run on the Java VM(Jython(python), JRuby, etc.) *SQL Language Support* Derby supports all of SQL92. SQLite only supports a subset of SQL92, though the supported subset is large and covers the most commonly used parts of SQL92. *Memory Utilization* The code footprint of SQLite is less than 250KB. The code footprint for Derby is about 2000KB compressed and is thus more than 8 times larger. No information is available on the run-time memory utilization of Derby. *Concurrency* SQLite allows multiple simultaneous readers and a single writer. Mutiple processes can have the database open simultaneously. Derby only allows a single process to have the database open at a time. But that single process can be a server that allows other processes to connect as clients. When run in a client/server configuration, Derby has upgradable row-level locking, so high simultanious concurrency without much contention can be achived. *Crash-Resistance* An SQLite database will survive a program crash or even a power failure. Same for Derby, as it provides transaction logging, recovery. *Database File Size* No data is currently available on the relative sizes of the database files for SQLite and Derby. *Speed* No data is currently available on the relative speed of SQLite and Derby database engines. Their query operation is similar in function, relative speed of different queries depend on cache-utilization, query plan optimization and implementation. However you should be prepared to unpredictable speed penalty when using Derby under different VMs ever on same hardware/OS.