This page provides a comparison (hopefully objective) between the embedded version Firebird ( and SQLite version 3. *Database File* Both database engines keep the entire database (all tables, indices, views, triggers, stored procedures, etc) in a single disk file. At this time we have no hard information comparing the file sizes but we suspect they will be similar. SQLite will have the advantage in the way it stores tables. Firebird will store indices more compactly, on the other hand. The SQLite database file is cross-platform. You can freely copy an SQLite database from one machine to another and it will still work. Firebird databases, on the other hand, cannot be copied between machines with differing byte orders or alignment restrictions. To move a Firebird database between platforms you have to back it up on the old platform then restore it on the new platform. *Engine Footprint* The complete SQLite library is about 230KiB statically linked. By omitting unused features, the size of SQLite can be reduced to around 170KiB. The size of Firebird is measured in megabytes - size of fbembed.dll is 1,5MB. The size of firebird is reported to be shrinking, but it is still roughly 10 times larger than SQLite and is never expected to be as lightweight. *Features* Both database engines support all the basics of SQL-92: tables, indices, views, triggers, etc. Support in Firebird is more complete. SQLite omits some features. *Speed* Rumors on the web indicate that the speed of both engines is comparible with a slight advantage to SQLite. We currently have no hard data on the relative speed of the two systems. *Scalability* Firebird scales from an embedded database up to a full enterprise-class client/server database engine and it does not require any changes at the application level. SQLite is designed to be an embedded database only. *Accessibility* The SQLite source code is designed to be readable and accessible. SQLite is designed to be easy to understand and compile. There are about 35K lines of source code in SQLite so a single programmer can easily become familiar with the entire system. Firebird is much larger and more complex. Much more knowledge and dedication is required in order to hack on Firebird. *Administration* SQLite requires no setup files or other administration. You just call sqlite3_open() with the name of a database file and it runs. The same with embedded Firebird except it more complex to initialize. Firebird can use a configuration file in the working directory, but doesn't require it to be present. *Concurrency* SQLite allows multiple programs to be connected to the same database simultaneously. The embedded version of Firebird does not. If you run Firebird in client/server mode, it allows concurrent access with fine-grain locking. But in embedded mode, only one program to connectc to the database at a time.