There is a list of features that SQLite does *not* support at If you find additional features that SQLite does not support, you may want to list them below. ---- *: SQL92 Character sets, collations, coercibility. *: Inserting blob using X'AABBCCDD' syntax. *: Stored Procedures *: Rollup and Cube *: INSERT INTO with multiple rows (ie. INSERT INTO table VALUES (...), (...). etc) *: CREATE DATABASE, DROP DATABASE *: ALTER VIEW, ALTER TRIGGER *: Schemas *: TRUNCATE (MySQL, Postgresql and Oracle have it... but I dont know if this is a standard command) *: ORDER BY myfield ASC NULLS LAST (Oracle) *: CREATE TRIGGER [BEFORE | AFTER | INSTEAD OF] (Oracle) *: UPDATE with a FROM clause (not sure if this is standard, Sybase and Microsoft have it).