*** 16,19 **** Further reply: The mailing list is archived; those archives can be searched. For what it's worth, what you're looking for is CAST(); see {link: http://www.sqlite.org/lang_expr.html the expressions documentation}. On the subject of the suitability of wiki, I may be wrong, but isn't the point of wiki to collect facts? What you've done here is ask a question, not post a fact. Certainly a mailing list is a very good place to ask a question, as many, many people will be receiving it and will have an opportunity to answer. Wiki pages can go unnoticed by all but the most diligent for a very long time. ! Reply: I've seen wiki's used for a lot of purposes. In my opinion, their shining point is to quickly create, edit, and link topics. Maillists are just a big string of unorganized text. After a while the question can perhaps be turned into an example so that it is a "fact". I searched for "covert", "compare", "to_string", "to_number", etc. in an effort to find an answer, and just plain couldn't. Now that this topic is created, ANYBODY else using those same keywords can now find the answer you gave (CAST). I would like to thank you for answering my question, but I disagree with relying on maillists for such. (Thanks for letting me state my opinion.) --- 16,19 ---- Further reply: The mailing list is archived; those archives can be searched. For what it's worth, what you're looking for is CAST(); see {link: http://www.sqlite.org/lang_expr.html the expressions documentation}. On the subject of the suitability of wiki, I may be wrong, but isn't the point of wiki to collect facts? What you've done here is ask a question, not post a fact. Certainly a mailing list is a very good place to ask a question, as many, many people will be receiving it and will have an opportunity to answer. Wiki pages can go unnoticed by all but the most diligent for a very long time. ! Reply: I've seen wiki's used for a lot of purposes. In my opinion, their shining point is to quickly create, edit, and link topics. Maillists are just a big string of unorganized text. After a while the question can perhaps be turned into an example so that it is a "fact". I searched for "convert", "compare", "to_string", "to_number", etc. in an effort to find an answer, and just plain couldn't. Now that this topic is created, ANYBODY else using those same keywords can now find the answer you gave (CAST). I would like to thank you for answering my question, but I disagree with relying on maillists for such. (Thanks for letting me state my opinion.)