*** 6,14 **** constraints. But I'm a stickler for maintaining relational integrity, and so did some research on how to add foreign key constraint functionality to my SQLite databases. ! As I mentioned in my ! {link: http://www.justatheory.com/computers/databases/sqlite/foreign_key_triggers.html original blog ! post} on this topic, I got most of the code from Cody Pisto's {link: http://www.sqlite.org/contrib sqlite_fk} utility. I couldn't get it to work, but the essential code for the triggers was in its _fk.c_ file, so I just borrowed from that (public domain) code to figure it out. --- 6,14 ---- constraints. But I'm a stickler for maintaining relational integrity, and so did some research on how to add foreign key constraint functionality to my SQLite databases. ! As I mentioned in my original ! {link: http://www.justatheory.com/computers/databases/sqlite/foreign_key_triggers.html blog post} on ! this topic, I got most of the code from Cody Pisto's {link: http://www.sqlite.org/contrib sqlite_fk} utility. I couldn't get it to work, but the essential code for the triggers was in its _fk.c_ file, so I just borrowed from that (public domain) code to figure it out.