*** 3,107 **** **The Problem** As is {link: http://www.sqlite.org/omitted.html well documented}, SQLite does not support foreign key ! constraints. But I'm a stickler for maintaining relational integrity, and so did some research on how to ! add foreign key constraint functionality to my SQLite databases. ! ! As I mentioned in my original ! {link: http://www.justatheory.com/computers/databases/sqlite/foreign_key_triggers.html blog post} on ! this topic, I got most of the code from Cody Pisto's ! {link: http://www.sqlite.org/contrib sqlite_fk} utility. I couldn't get it to work, but the essential code for ! the triggers was in its _fk.c_ file, so I just borrowed from ! that (public domain) code to figure it out. ! ! Here I share with you the results of that research, as well as some improvements to my original ! implementation, thanks to comments in my blog. ! ! **The Solution** ! ! The trick to getting SQLite to enforce foreign key constraints is to use its marvelous trigger ! functionalilty. Here's an example. Say you have two table declarations: ! ! create table foo ( ! id INTEGER NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY ! ); ! ! CREATE TABLE bar ( ! id INTEGER NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, ! foo_id INTEGER NOT NULL ! CONSTRAINT fk_foo_id REFERENCES a(id) ON DELETE CASCADE ! ); ! ! Table bar has a foreign key reference to the primary key column in the foo</ ! code> table. Although SQLite supports this syntax (as well as named foreign key constraints), it ignores ! them. So if you want the references enforced, you need to create triggers to do the job. ! ! Triggers were added to SQLite version 2.5, so most users can take advantage of this feature. Each ! constraint must have three triggers: one for INSERTs, one for UPDATES</ ! code>s, and one for DELETESs. The INSERT trigger looks like this: ! ! CREATE TRIGGER fki_bar_foo_id ! BEFORE INSERT ON bar ! FOR EACH ROW BEGIN ! SELECT RAISE(ROLLBACK, 'insert on table "bar" violates foreign key constraint "fk_foo_id"') ! WHERE (SELECT id FROM foo WHERE id = NEW.foo_id) IS NULL; ! END; ! ! If your foreign key column is not NOT NULL, the trigger's ! WHERE clause needs to an extra expression: ! ! CREATE TRIGGER fki_bar_foo_id ! BEFORE INSERT ON bar ! FOR EACH ROW BEGIN ! SELECT RAISE(ROLLBACK, 'insert on table "bar" violates foreign key constraint "fk_foo_id"') ! WHERE NEW.foo_id IS NOT NULL ! AND (SELECT id FROM foo WHERE id = new.foo_id) IS NULL; ! END; ! ! The UPDATE statements are almost identical; if your foreign key column is ! NOT NULL, then do this: ! ! CREATE TRIGGER fku_bar_foo_id ! BEFORE UPDATE ON bar ! FOR EACH ROW BEGIN ! SELECT RAISE(ROLLBACK, 'update on table "bar" violates foreign key constraint "fk_foo_id"') ! WHERE (SELECT id FROM foo WHERE id = new.foo_id) IS NULL; ! END; ! ! And if NULLs are allowed, do this: ! ! CREATE TRIGGER fku_bar_foo_id ! BEFORE UPDATE ON bar ! FOR EACH ROW BEGIN ! SELECT RAISE(ROLLBACK, 'update on table "bar" violates foreign key constraint "fk_foo_id"') ! WHERE NEW.foo_id IS NOT NULL ! AND (SELECT id FROM foo WHERE id = new.foo_id) IS NULL; ! END; ! ! The DELETE trigger is, of course, the reverse of the INSERT and ! UPDATE triggers, in that it applies to the primary key table, rather than the foreign key ! table. To whit, in our example, it watches for DELETEs on the foo ! table: ! ! CREATE TRIGGER fkd_bar_foo_id ! BEFORE DELETE ON foo ! FOR EACH ROW BEGIN ! SELECT RAISE(ROLLBACK, 'delete on table "foo" violates foreign key constraint "fk_foo_id"') ! WHERE (SELECT foo_id FROM bar WHERE foo_id = OLD.id) IS NOT NULL; ! END; ! ! This trigger will prevent DELETEs on the foo table when there are ! existing foreign key references in the bar table. This is generally the default behavior ! in databases with referential integrity enforcement, sometimes specified explicitly as ON ! DELETE RESTRICT. But sometimes you want the deletes in the primary key table to ! <q>cascade</q> to the foreign key tables. Such is what our example declaration above specifies, and ! this is the trigger to to the job: ! ! ! CREATE TRIGGER fkd_bar_foo_id ! BEFORE DELETE ON foo ! FOR EACH ROW BEGIN ! DELETE from bar WHERE foo_id = OLD.id; ! END; ! ! Pretty simple, eh? The trigger support in SQLite is great for building your own referential integrity ! checks. Hopefully, these examples will get you started down the path of creating your own. --- 3,43 ---- **The Problem** As is {link: http://www.sqlite.org/omitted.html well documented}, SQLite does not support foreign key ! constraints. Buus: 200 OK ! ETag: 61fe3da8cb535412892d5a9bd2584ab5 ! Cache-control: public ! Content-Type: text/html; charset=ANSI_X3.4-1968 ! 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