*** 1,4 **** --- 1,8 ---- This page is about using in-memory SQLite databases. + + ---- + 2006-09-08: It appears that if you're doing a small number of transactions, that in-memory vs. on-disk doesn't make much difference. I have 138000 rows to insert, and as long as I do them all inside of one transaction, the run time is pretty much the same. However, if I don't use any transactions and just do a bunch of inserts, then the on-disk db is horribly slow compared to memory. Check out the note about transactions in PerformanceTuning. + ---- 2006-06-28: <html>The <a href="http://www.kordelle.de/sqlite">patch</a> for SQLite 3.2.2 to add the dump feature is not working on SQLite 3.3.6 because the dirty list mechanism is changed. To work dumping again, substitute just one line in marking all pages dirty.</html>