*** 1,9 **** ! Windows users, especially AOL customers, may find files ! in their C:\TEMP folder that contain an SQLite suffix. These files ! where put there by the {quote: McAfee Anti-Virus} software that ! is running on their computer. The files are harmless. They ! may be safely deleted. To prevent their reappearance, one apparently ! needs to disable the {quote: McAfee Anti-Virus} program. SQLite is not itself a computer program or application. SQLite is a database library that is used by {quote: McAfee Anti-Virus} --- 1,17 ---- ! Windows users sometimes find files ! in their C:\TEMP folder that contain an "sqlite" prefix. These files ! where put there by programs that use SQLite. Very often, the program ! that generates these files is {quote: McAfee Anti-Virus}, though other ! programs from other manufacturers might also do the same thing. ! ! Be assured that SQLite has not infected your computer. ! The "sqlite" files in the C:\TEMP folder are harmless. These ! files contain information that the {quote: McAfee Anti-Virus} ! program needs to do its job. You cannot delete these files when ! {quote: Mcafee Anti-Virus} is running because {quote: McAfee Anti-Virus} ! is using them. If you turn off {quote: McAfee Anti-Virus}, the files ! should go away on their own. If they do not, you can safely ! delete them. SQLite is not itself a computer program or application. SQLite is a database library that is used by {quote: McAfee Anti-Virus} *************** *** 17,22 **** way by Mcafee and has no control over nor access to Mcafee's software, the SQLite team cannot take any responsibility for what Mcafee does with the SQLite library. - See http://tinyurl.com/pobqu for additional information. --- 25,29 ----