Small. Fast. Reliable.
Choose any three.
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  multithreading that isn't covered here, feel free to add it. Some of the references in this paper are Mac 
  OS X related because this is the environment I've been working on.
! **Is SQLite thread-safe?**
! Yes, it is, but be {link: careful}.
  **SQLite multithreading settings**
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  multithreading that isn't covered here, feel free to add it. Some of the references in this paper are Mac
  OS X related because this is the environment I've been working on.
! ***Is SQLite thread-safe?***
! *Short answer:* Yes
! *Medium length answer:*
! 1: Be sure to recompile with -DTHREADSAFE=1
! 2: Do not use the same database connection at the same time in more than
!    one thread.
! 3: On some operating systems, a database connection should always be used
!    in the same thread in which it was originally created.
! 4: There are a few features of SQLite that are not threadsafe.  Avoid those
!    features.
! *Longer answer:*
! The precompiled binaries for windows have traditionally been threadsafe.
! The precompiled binaries for unix have not been.  That might change in the
! future, so always check.  But in the past, if you wanted a thread-safe
! version of SQLite for unix, you'd need to get the sources and compile
! it yourself.
! By "threadsafe" we mean that you can use different SQLite database connections
! in different threads at the same time.  It has never been safe to use the
! same database connection simultaneously in multiple threads.  If you
! use the {link: sqlite3_prepare()} API to create prepared statements, each prepared statement
! is considered to be a part of the database connection from which it was
! derived.  So you cannot
! run two prepared statements originating from the same database connection
! in different threads at the same time.
! There is a bug in some Linux implementations (RedHat9 is the canonical
! example) that prevents fcntl() locks created by one thread from being
! modified in a different thread.  If you are running on one of those
! systems, then you should always use an SQLite database connection in
! the same thread in which it was originally created.  It is not safe to
! open the database in one thread and then pass the connection off to a
! different thread for processing.
! The restriction of the previous paragraph has been relaxed somewhat as
! of SQLite version 3.3.1.  Beginning with version 3.3.1, you should be
! able to move database connections from one thread to another as long as
! there are no locks outstanding at the time you move the thread.  If you
! are not running on one of the systems effected by the fcntl() locking bug,
! then you can move your database connections at any time you want.  But
! for portability, you probably should assume your system has the bug.
! So, beginning with version 3.3.1, the common paradigm of maintaining a
! pool of database connections and handing them off to worker threads for
! processing should work fine - as long as your worker threads are
! careful to
! {link: finalize}
! all of their prepared statements prior to exiting.
! For added safety, your worker threads would do well to call
! {link: sqlite3_thread_cleanup()} before exiting - though this is only a
! precaution against latent bugs and is not strictly necessary.
! If you compile SQLite with the -DSQLITE_ENABLE_MEMORY_MANAGEMENT=1 option,
! then SQLite maintains a count of all outstanding memory allocations for
! each thread.  In that case, you should only use an SQLite database connection
! in the same thread in which it was originally created - otherwise things
! will be malloc()-ed in one thread and free()-ed in another and the counts
! will get all out-of-whack.  The -DSQLITE_ENABLE_MEMORY_MANAGEMENT feature
! is generally only useful for low-memory embedded devices.  If you do not
! need it you are well advised to leave it turned off.  It is turned off by
! default.
! If you enable the shared cache feature of SQLite using the
! {link: sqlite3_enable_shared_cache()} API, then database connections that use
! the shared cache should only be used in the same thread in which they
! were originally created.
! The {link: PRAGMA temp_store_directory} SQL statement is not thread-safe.  If you need to
! change the directory in which SQLite is storing temporary files, do so once
! at program initialization and thereafter leave the setting along.
! The "localtime" modifier for the built-in date/time functions uses the
! localtime() C API, which is not threadsafe.  The call to localtime()
! in SQLite is
! protected by a mutex, so the "localtime" modifier is safe to use as long
! as nothing else in your program calls localtime() independently of SQLite.
! Any aspect of SQLite that is not mentioned above is considered threadsafe.
! If you have doubts, as on the mailing list.
  **SQLite multithreading settings**