Small. Fast. Reliable.
Choose any three.
*** 53,55 ****
--- 53,97 ----
  It would be good if people could post any performance measurements they
  make here.
+ -----
+ 24-July-2003:
+ Some performance results for pre-compiled queries. The temp db was using the in-memory backend.
+   Insert 10000 records (real db)              - 2036 ms
+   Insert 10000 records (real db, pre-compile) - 1080 ms
+   Insert 10000 records (temp db)              - 1563 ms
+   Insert 10000 records (temp db, pre-compile) - 706 ms
+   Select 10000 records (real db)              - 5430 ms
+   Select 10000 records (real db, pre-compile) - 3733 ms
+   Select 10000 records (temp db)              - 1766 ms
+   Select 10000 records (temp db, pre-compile) - 460 ms
+ The schema for the test is:
+   CREATE TABLE tbl( key PRIMARY KEY, val );
+ Each insert test is:
+   BEGIN;
+   INSERT INTO tbl VALUES(1, <string about 40 chars long>);
+   INSERT INTO tbl VALUES(2, <string about 40 chars long>);
+   ...
+   INSERT INTO tbl VALUES(9999, <string about 40 chars long>);
+   INSERT INTO tbl VALUES(10000, <string about 40 chars long>);
+ Each select test is:
+   SELECT * FROM tbl WHERE key = 1;
+   SELECT * FROM tbl WHERE key = 2;
+   ...
+   SELECT * FROM tbl WHERE key = 9999;
+   SELECT * FROM tbl WHERE key = 10000;
+ If you use an INTEGER PRIMARY KEY instead of a PRIMARY KEY things are slightly faster all round. The relative benefit of pre-compiled queries is slightly increased (5-10%) as well.