Small. Fast. Reliable.
Choose any three.
*** 119,151 ****
    int (*xOpen)(sqlite3_vtab *pVTab, sqlite3_vtab_cursor **ppCursor);
    int (*xClose)(sqlite3_vtab_cursor*);
    int (*xFilter)(sqlite3_vtab_cursor*, int idxNum, const char *idxStr,
                  int argc, sqlite3_value **argv);
    int (*xNext)(sqlite3_vtab_cursor*);
!   int (*xColumn)(sqlite3_vtab_cursor*, sqlite3_context*, int);
    int (*xRowid)(sqlite3_vtab_cursor*, sqlite_int64 *pRowid);
!   int (*xUpdate)(sqlite3_vtab *, int, sqlite3_value **, sqlite_int64 *);
--- 119,226 ----
    int (*xOpen)(sqlite3_vtab *pVTab, sqlite3_vtab_cursor **ppCursor);
+ The method creates a new cursor used for reading information out
+ of a virtual table.  The cursor is returned in *ppCursor.
+ The cursor is not immediately usable.  It must first be
+ positioned using xFilter.  Then elements of a row of the
+ virtual table can be accessed using xColumn and xRowid.
+ The xClose method is used to close the cursor.
    int (*xClose)(sqlite3_vtab_cursor*);
+ This method closes a cursor previously opened by xOpen.
+ The SQLite core will always call xClose once for each
+ cursor opened using xOpen.
    int (*xFilter)(sqlite3_vtab_cursor*, int idxNum, const char *idxStr,
                  int argc, sqlite3_value **argv);
+ This method to begin a search of a virtual table.
+ The first argument is a cursor opened by xOpen.
+ The next two argument define a particular search
+ index previously choosen by
+ {link: wiki?p=VirtualTableBestIndexMethod xBestIndex}
+ The specific meanings of idxNum and idxStr are unimportant
+ as long as xFilter and xBestIndex agree on what that meaning
+ is.
+ The xBestIndex function may have requested the values
+ of certain expressions.  Those values are passed in
+ using the argc and argv parameters.
+ After this method completes, the cursor should be left
+ pointing at a row of virtual table.  The xColumn and
+ xRowid methods can be used to access that row.  The
+ xNext method can be used to advance to the next row.
    int (*xNext)(sqlite3_vtab_cursor*);
+ This method advances a virtual table cursor to the
+ next row of a result set initiated by xFilter.
+ If the cursor is already pointing at the last row
+ this routine returns 0 to indicate that no rows
+ remain.  If the cursor was successfully advanced,
+ this routine returns 1.
!   int (*xColumn)(sqlite3_vtab_cursor*, sqlite3_context*, int N);
! The SQLite core invokes this method in order to find the
! value for the N-th column of the current row.
! N is zero-based so the first column is numbered 0.
! The xColumn method uses one of the sqlite3_result_AAAA()
! APIs to return the result.  This method can invoke
! sqlite3_result_error() to raise an exception, if desired.
    int (*xRowid)(sqlite3_vtab_cursor*, sqlite_int64 *pRowid);
+ This method writes the 64-bit rowid of the current row
+ into *pRowid.
!   int (*xUpdate)(
!     sqlite3_vtab *pCursor,
!     int argc,
!     sqlite3_value **argv,
!     sqlite_int64 *pRowid
!   );
! All changes to a virtual table are made using the xUpdate
! method.  This one method can be used to insert, delete, or
! update.
! The argv[0] parameter is the rowid of a row in the virtual
! table to be deleted.  If argv[0] is NULL, then no deletion
! occurs.
! The argv[1] parameter is the rowid of a new row to be
! inserted into the virtual table.  Subsequence argv[]
! entries contain values of the columns of the virtual table,
! in the order that the columns were declared.  The number
! of columns will match the table declaration that the
! xConnect or xCreate method made using the
! sqlite3_declare_vtab() call.
! If argc==1, then no insert occurs.
! If argc>1 and argv[0]==argv[1] then the specified row
! is updated with new values contained in argv[2] and the
! following parameters.