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Ideas for Client/Server enhancements.

My idea was a network protocol for sqlite database. This would be a client and a server libraries communicating over network(probably sockets). The client library wold have the same interface as current version of (sqlite.dll). The server library would be a wrapper around exsisting sqlite library.


  1. Since the callback and VM API's would be to slow over network, it is neccessary to reimplement them on the client side to provide compatibility to the standard sqlite library.

  2. Passing pointers over network is not a good idea. (e.g. pointer to database, or to VM). They should be replaced by handles.

  3. Encoding of strings and integers. Distinguish between empty string and NULL string. BIG_ENDIAN/LITTLE_ENDIAN and so on.

  4. Security

  5. Performance

Implementation architecture: RPC or Sockets?

I tried out the rpcgen (generator of RPC). It generates a lot of useful code, but it can't handle NULL strings returned by sqlite.

Perhaps using sockets is a better idea.

Any suggestions and ideas are welcome.

Alex K.