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*** 73,79 ****
  Universal Coordinated Time (UTC) is used.
  Format 9 is the julian day number expressed as a floating point value.
! _Please be sure to address Ticket #415 so we get full millisecond precision in julian day numbers. Unfortunately this may mean adjusting some expression test cases that depend on values rounded to fewer digits. -- e_
  It is so. --drh
  _'now' does not return milliseconds_ --kks
--- 73,81 ----
  Universal Coordinated Time (UTC) is used.
  Format 9 is the julian day number expressed as a floating point value.
! _Please be sure to address Ticket #415 so we get full millisecond precision in julian day numbers. 
! Unfortunately this may mean adjusting some expression test cases that depend on values rounded to 
! fewer digits. -- e_
  It is so. --drh
  _'now' does not return milliseconds_ --kks
*** 167,179 ****
  map the year into an equivalent year within this range, do the
  calculation, then map the year back.
! _Please surround uses of localtime() with sqliteOsEnterMutex() and sqliteOsLeaveMutex() so threads using SQLite are protected, at least! 
  -- e_  It is so. --drh
  _[Consider instead, using localtime_r which is reentrant and may be used
  *without* expensive mutex locking. Altough non-standard it's available
  on most Unixes --hauk]_ But it is not available on windows, as far as I
! am aware. --drh
  Date computations do not give correct results for dates before julian
  day number 0 (-4713-11-24 12:00:00).
--- 169,185 ----
  map the year into an equivalent year within this range, do the
  calculation, then map the year back.
! _Please surround uses of localtime() with sqliteOsEnterMutex() and sqliteOsLeaveMutex() so threads 
! using SQLite are protected, at least! 
  -- e_  It is so. --drh
  _[Consider instead, using localtime_r which is reentrant and may be used
  *without* expensive mutex locking. Altough non-standard it's available
  on most Unixes --hauk]_ But it is not available on windows, as far as I
! am aware. --drh _[What about using localtime_r, and on systems where it
! is unavailable defining it as sqliteOsEnterMutext() ; locatime() ; sqliteOsLeaveMutex()
! so that non-windows systems get the maximum advantage, with almost zero
! code impact?]_ -- AdamBerger
  Date computations do not give correct results for dates before julian
  day number 0 (-4713-11-24 12:00:00).