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  *Retrieving offset information*
! When returning full-text matches, fts1 can return the character offsets of individual term matches.  To retrieve offset information in a query, call the offsets function and pass it the name of your full-text table:
    sqlite> select name, ingredients, offsets(recipe) from recipe where recipe match 'sugar pie';
    pumpkin pie|pumpkin sugar flour butter|0 1 8 3 1 0 8 5
! offsets returns a string containing a series of integers separated by spaces.  Each match is represented by a series of four consecutive integers:
  1:The index of the column containing the match.  Columns are numbered starting from 0.
  1:The term in the query expression which was matched.  Terms are numbered starting from 0.
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  *Retrieving offset information*
! When returning full-text matches, fts1 can return the character offsets of individual term matches.  To retrieve offset information in a query, call the *offsets* function and pass it the name of your full-text table:
    sqlite> select name, ingredients, offsets(recipe) from recipe where recipe match 'sugar pie';
    pumpkin pie|pumpkin sugar flour butter|0 1 8 3 1 0 8 5
! *offsets* returns a string containing a series of integers separated by spaces.  Each match is represented by a series of four consecutive integers:
  1:The index of the column containing the match.  Columns are numbered starting from 0.
  1:The term in the query expression which was matched.  Terms are numbered starting from 0.