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*** 1,7 ****
  <h1 align="center">
  Full-text Search for SQLite<br>
! (as of 2006-09-19)<br>
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  <h1 align="center">
  Full-text Search for SQLite<br>
! (as of 2006-09-29)<br>
*** 162,167 ****
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  *:In column 0 (name), term 1 ("pie") matched at byte offset 8; the match is 3 bytes long (the length of "pie").
  *:In column 1 (ingredients), term 0 ("sugar") matched at byte offset 8; the match is 5 bytes long (the length of "sugar").
+ *Generating snippets*
+ fts1 can generate *snippets* of text surrounding each match returned in a full-text query.  To produce a snippet, call the *snippet* function and pass it the name of your full-text table:
+   sqlite> create virtual table poem using fts1(name, text);
+   sqlite> insert into poem values ('ozymandias', 'i met a traveller from an antique land who said: two vast and trunkless legs of stone stand in the desert');
+   sqlite> select name, snippet(poem) from poem where text match 'land';
+   ozymandias|i met a traveller from an antique <b>land</b> who said: two vast and trunkless legs of <b>...</b>
+   sqlite>
+ By default, each matching term in a snippet is surrounded with the delimiters "<b>" and "</b>", and an ellipsis "..." indicates text not included in a snippet.  (Note that the ellipsis is itself surrounded by delimiters "<b>" and "</b>".)
+ You can specify your own term delimiters and ellipsis text by specifying extra arguments to the *snippet* function.  Its arguments are as follows:
+ 1:The name of the virtual table being queried.
+ 2:Markup to put before each matching word. Default: <b>
+ 3:Markup to put after each matching word. Default: </b>
+ 4:Ellipsis markup. Default: <b>...</b>
+ For example:
+   sqlite> select name, snippet(poem, '[', ']', '%%') from poem where text match 'land';
+   ozymandias|i met a traveller from an antique [land] who said: two vast and trunkless legs of %%
+   sqlite>
  *Joining full-text data*