Small. Fast. Reliable.
Choose any three.
*** 397,399 ****
--- 397,524 ----
  A similar change has already been checked into the CVS tree and should
  appear with release 2.8.6.
+ ===
+ *Boost.Jam*
+ This assumes you're a C++ type who likes
+ Haven't gotten into the tcl interface, so the C_SOURCES variable bears
+ inspection.
+ Acquire boost, and boost jam.
+ Navigate to <boost path>/libs
+ mkdir sqlite
+ cd sqlite
+ mkdir src
+ mkdir build
+ cd src
+ <unzip the sqlite source code here>
+ cd ../build
+ <save the following text as Jamfile>
+ #  (C) Copyright  2002. Permission to copy, use, modify, sell and
+ #  distribute this software is granted provided this copyright notice appears
+ #  in all copies. This software is provided "as is" without express or implied
+ #  warranty, and with no claim as to its suitability for any purpose.
+ #
+ #
+ # Boost.sqlite build 
+ #
+ # To run all tests quietly: jam test
+ #
+ # Declares the following targets:
+ #   1. sqlite, a library to be linked with all
+ #      Boost.sqlite modules
+ #
+ # declare the location of this subproject relative to the root
+ subproject libs/sqlite/build ;
+ # Base names of the source files for libboost_sqlite
+ C_SOURCES = attach auth     btree   btree_rb build
+             copy   delete   expr    func     hash
+             insert main     opcodes os       pager
+             parse  pragma   printf  random   select
+             table  tokenize trigger vdbe     where
+             update util     vacuum  
+           ;
+ EXE_ONLY  = shell
+           ;
+ dll sqlite : ../src/$(C_SOURCES).c
+     : <sysinclude>$(BOOST_ROOT) 
+     : debug release 
+     ;
+ lib sqlite : ../src/$(C_SOURCES).c
+     : <sysinclude>$(BOOST_ROOT) 
+     : debug release 
+     ;
+ exe sqlite       : ../src/$(C_SOURCES).c ../src/$(EXE_ONLY).c
+     : <sysinclude>$(BOOST_ROOT) 
+     : debug release 
+     ;
+ Now you can just build sqlite along with the rest of boost.  Tested on VC7.1 and GCC 3.3.1.  Boost jam builds debug, release, static, and dynamically linked targets with a lack of fuss and 
+ bother.