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Choose any three.
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  2. files created by sqlite automatically will be correctly created only if lfn is enabled. otherwise, lacking the journal file, the database will be open read-only.
! the diff i'm appending are fixing both problems, and make sqlite work very well on djgpp.
  to avoid overload of this page, i have attached patches to sqlite development tickets. each patch applies for a certain sqlite version, as follows:
  for sqlite 2.8.6: diff attached at
! for sqlite 2.8.11: i will update location later.
  for sqlite 2.8.13: diff attached at
  it will also do no harm to incorporate it in the main sqlite distribution.
  beneath there is another djgpp listing, the functionality of which has been already applied in mainstream sqlite, in a macro that ignores fnctl calls. in my opinion, it is not needed to apply anymore.
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  2. files created by sqlite automatically will be correctly created only if lfn is enabled. otherwise, lacking the journal file, the database will be open read-only.
! my diffs are fixing both problems, and make sqlite work very well on djgpp.
  to avoid overload of this page, i have attached patches to sqlite development tickets. each patch applies for a certain sqlite version, as follows:
  for sqlite 2.8.6: diff attached at
! for sqlite 2.8.11: diff attached at
  for sqlite 2.8.13: diff attached at
  it will also do no harm to incorporate it in the main sqlite distribution.
! ====
  beneath there is another djgpp listing, the functionality of which has been already applied in mainstream sqlite, in a macro that ignores fnctl calls. in my opinion, it is not needed to apply anymore.