Small. Fast. Reliable.
Choose any three.
*** 244,300 ****
  4. Download the FULL sqlite source ( and extract it
!     to desired location (e.g., c:\....\mysqlite)
! 5. start the msys.bat (in c:\msys), which opens msys shell window, and cd 
!    to sqlite source location. Invoke msys's ./configure. 
! 6. call mingw32-make to compile the resulting Makefile. (make isn't used anymore - see
! 7. Find within the source distribution a file called sqlite.def which contains
!    sqlite_open
!    sqlite_close
!    sqlite_exec
!    sqlite_last_insert_rowid
!    sqlite_error_string
!    sqlite_interrupt
!    sqlite_complete
!    sqlite_busy_handler
!    sqlite_busy_timeout
!    sqlite_get_table
!    sqlite_free_table
!    sqlite_mprintf
!    sqlite_vmprintf
!    sqlite_exec_printf
!    sqlite_exec_vprintf
!    sqlite_get_table_printf
!    sqlite_get_table_vprintf
!    sqlite_freemem
!    sqlite_libversion
!    sqlite_libencoding
!    sqlite_changes
!    sqlite_create_function
!    sqlite_create_aggregate
!    sqlite_function_type
!    sqlite_user_data
!    sqlite_aggregate_context
!    sqlite_aggregate_count
!    sqlite_set_result_string
!    sqlite_set_result_int
!    sqlite_set_result_double
!    sqlite_set_result_error
!    sqliteMalloc
!    sqliteFree
!    sqliteRealloc
!    sqlite_set_authorizer
!    sqlite_trace
!    sqlite_compile
!    sqlite_step
!    sqlite_finalize
! 8. dllwrap --dllname sqlite.dll --def sqlite.def *.o
  (or if this doesn't work, dllwrap --def sqlite.def -v --export-all --driver-name gcc --dlltool-name dlltool --as as --target i386-mingw32 -dllname sqlite.dll -lmsvcrt *.o)
  9. strip sqlite.dll
--- 244,264 ----
  4. Download the FULL sqlite source ( and extract it
!     to desired location (e.g., c:\mysqlite).  This will create, among 
!     other entries, a src subdirectory, (e.g., c:\mysqlite\src).  
! 5. Create a sibling build directory (e.g., c:\mysqlite\build)
! 6. Start the msys.bat (in c:\msys), which opens msys shell window, and cd 
!    to sqlite build directory. Invoke (msys's) ../configure. This generates
!    a Makefile in the build directory.
! 7. Invoke mingw32-make to compile the resulting Makefile. (make isn't used anymore - see
! 8. Find within the source distribution a file called sqlite.def.  Copy it
!    to the build directory.  
! 9. Invoke:  dllwrap --dllname sqlite.dll --def sqlite.def *.o
  (or if this doesn't work, dllwrap --def sqlite.def -v --export-all --driver-name gcc --dlltool-name dlltool --as as --target i386-mingw32 -dllname sqlite.dll -lmsvcrt *.o)
  9. strip sqlite.dll