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! == CSV Files ===
! In the following example you will import a comma-delimited csv file into your sqlite database. We create the table, designate the separator, and import the file.{linebreak}
! _: sqlite> create table test (id integer, datatype_id integer, level integer, meaning text);{linebreak}
! _: sqlite> .separator ","{linebreak}
! _: sqlite> .import no_yes.csv test
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! **CSV Files**
! <html>
! <p>
! In the following example you will import a comma-delimited csv file into your sqlite database. First create the table, then designate the separator, and finally import the file.
! </p>
! <pre>
!   sqlite> create table test (id integer, datatype_id integer, level integer, meaning text);
!   sqlite> .separator ","
!   sqlite> .import no_yes.csv test
! </pre>
! </html>