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Information Schema

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The information schema consists of a set of views that contain information about the objects defined in the current database. The information schema is defined in the SQL standard and can therefore be expected to be portable and remain stable.

SQLite_Master is the base table where schema information is stored, these views query this table

SQLite doesn't support the idea of different owners of objects so the naming convention for the INFORMATION_SCHEMA views are

The view TABLES contains all tables and views defined in the current database

Select * from ( select 'main' as TABLE_CATALOG , 'sqlite' as TABLE_SCHEMA , tbl_name as TABLE_NAME , case when type = 'table' then 'BASE TABLE' when type = 'view' then 'VIEW' end as TABLE_TYPE, sql as TABLE_SOURCE from sqlite_master where type in('table','view') and tbl_name not like 'INFORMATION_SCHEMA_%' union select 'main' as TABLE_CATALOG , 'sqlite' as TABLE_SCHEMA , tbl_name as TABLE_NAME , case when type = 'table' then 'TEMPORARY TABLE' when type = 'view' then 'TEMPORARY VIEW' end as TABLE_TYPE, sql as TABLE_SOURCE from sqlite_temp_master where type in('table','view') and tbl_name not like 'INFORMATION_SCHEMA_%' ) BT order by TABLE_TYPE , TABLE_NAME

Columns Description

Name Description
table_catalog Name of the database that contains the table (always the main)
table_schema Name of the schema that contains the table
table_name Name of the table or View
table_type Type of the table: BASE TABLE for a persistent base table (the normal table type), BASE VIEW for a view, or TEMPORARY TABLE for a temporary table and TEMPORARY VIEW for a temporary view.
table_source The SQL script with which the object was created.