Small. Fast. Reliable.
Choose any three.
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+         <td>x</td>
+         <td>x</td>
+         <td><a href="">
+         SQLiteStudio</a><br/><font face="Tahoma"
+ size="2">(Update 2007/07/25)</font><p>&nbsp;</td>
+         <td>
+             SQLiteStudio is an advanced, cross-platform SQLite database manager.
+             <br><br>
+             <b>Features:</b>
+             <ul>
+               <li>Intuitive MDI interface,
+               <li>All SQLite3 features wrapped witin simple GUI,
+               <li>Some features implemented on top of basic SQLite3 SQL statements, like editing all existing objects, or wizard for Foreign Keys,
+               <li>Cross-platform - runs on Windows, Linux and should work on other Unixes. Mac OS X support is planned,
+               <li>Localizations, currently translated to:
+               <ul>
+                 <li>English,
+                 <li>Polish,
+               </ul>
+               <li>Exporting to various formats (SQL statements, CSV, HTML, XML),
+               <li>Numerous small additions, like formatting code (uppercase keywords), fast navigate between MDI windows and tabs in notebooks by shortcuts, history of queries executed in editor windows and more,
+               <li>UTF-8 support,
+               <li>skinnable (interface can look native for Windows 9x/XP, KDE, Mac OS X, or draw widgets to fit for other environments, like Gnome, WindowMaker, etc),
+ Configurable colors, fonts and shortcuts.
+             </ul>
+         </td>
+         <td>free for non-commercial, commercial is not yet released (see homepage for details)</td>
+         <td>-</td>
+     </tr>
+     <tr>
+         <td><br></td>
+         <td>x</td>