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*** 315,334 ****
!         <td>x</td>
!         <td><a href="">SQLPro SQL
! Editor</a></td>
              SQL Editor is the best visual database management and development
              for multiple databases with Explorer interface and integrated SQL
! editor. Supports Oracle,
!             MySQL, Microsoft SQL Server, Microsoft Access and Sqlite 3.<p>
  No other software to install. SQLPro comes with full set of drivers. <p>
              <b><a href="">
--- 315,334 ----
!         <td><b>x</b></td>
!         <td><b><a href="">SQLPro SQL
! Editor</a></b></td>
              SQL Editor is the best visual database management and development
              for multiple databases with Explorer interface and integrated SQL
! editor. Supports <b>Oracle,
!             MySQL, Microsoft SQL Server, Microsoft Access</b> and <b>Sqlite 3.</b><p>
  No other software to install. SQLPro comes with full set of drivers. <p>
              <b><a href="">