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Choose any three.
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  Comment by Oliver Leu: Please post your shell scripts. Are you creating a process for every record you
  insert into the db? This would slow down the process of inserting records extremly.
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+ **Database size and performance on a CD**
+ _Vis Naicker on 2007-05-104:_
+ I struggled to get good performance outta a **CD** with 200K files, it reads the blobs pretty well , but for the same recordset where I kept the data separate from the blob, it was extremely slow, like 1min+ until the cd was cached by windows during the query. By caching to the drive before querying OTOH, it was pretty good.
+ It is quite embarrassing, at the clients end, where sometimes 1 database seems to hang the machine, while another takes 3 seconds or so. I think my solution will have to be is to merge to blob with the field data, there it is admirable - it performs as well as the HD/network stored db. Some hints I have used is to change the cache to 16K from the default 2k.