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  use a transaction then SQlite will open and close the database 100 times.
  Using transactions improves speed. Use them.</p>
+ <H2>How to get SQLite to use multiple indexes</H2>
+ <p>SQLite can use multiple indexes on a query. You just have to tell it to explicitly by restructuring your SQL.</p>
+ <p>As an example, consider this query:</p>
+ <pre>
+      SELECT * FROM table1 WHERE a=5 AND b=11;
+ </pre>
+ <p>Suppose there are two indices:</p>
+ <pre>
+      CREATE INDEX index1 ON table1(a);
+      CREATE INDEX index2 ON table1(b);
+ </pre>
+ <p>As written, SQLite will only use one of these two indices
+ to perform the query.  The choice is arbitrary (unless you
+ have run ANALYZE and SQLite has some information to help it
+ pick the "best" index.)</p>
+ <p>If you want to use both indices, rewrite the query this
+ way:</p>
+ <pre>
+      SELECT * FROM table1 WHERE rowid IN
+          (SELECT rowid FROM table1 WHERE a=5
+            INTERSECT SELECT rowid FROM table1 WHERE b=11);
+ </pre>
+ <p>The optimizer in PostgreSQL will make this change for you
+ automatically and will use a bitmap to implement the IN
+ operator and the INTERSECT.  With SQLite, though, you have to
+ type in the expanded version yourself.  And because rowids
+ in SQLite are user visible and changeable and can thus be
+ diffuse, SQLite is unable to use bitmaps to optimize the
+ computation.  But modulo the bitmap optimization, SQLite gives
+ you all the capabilities of PostgreSQL, you just have to type
+ it in yourself rather than letting the optimizer do it for
+ you.</p>