Small. Fast. Reliable.
Choose any three.
*** 120,125 ****
--- 120,135 ----
  *Comment*: I pulled down your postgresql.conf and noticed you turned row level statistics on.  This will have a negative impact on all tests which have a lot of queries.  Why did you do this?{linebreak}
  On another note I would suggest running prepared statement versions of some of the tests on databases that support them.
+ *Reply*: I don't think I changed it. It probably installed like that by default.
+ Only changes I made are the ones suggested on sqlite mailing list. Here they are
+  for a reference:
+   shared_buffers=10000
+   effective_cache_size=100000
+   work_mem=10000
+   vacuum_cost_delay=50
+   autovacuum=on
+   autovacuum_vacuum_scale_factor=0.2
  On to the tests now.