Small. Fast. Reliable.
Choose any three.
*** 72,78 ****
    <TD></HTML> {link: DB_SQLite_Tools} <HTML></TD>
    <TD></HTML> PHP PEAR official OO extension to manage and backup Sqlite Databases under PHP 5. <HTML></TD>
!   <TD></HTML> ? <HTML></TD>
  <TR BGCOLOR="#f0fff0">
--- 72,78 ----
    <TD></HTML> {link: DB_SQLite_Tools} <HTML></TD>
    <TD></HTML> PHP PEAR official OO extension to manage and backup Sqlite Databases under PHP 5. <HTML></TD>
!   <TD></HTML> BSD <HTML></TD>
  <TR BGCOLOR="#f0fff0">
*** 90,120 ****
    <TD></HTML> {link: SQLiteWebAdmin} <HTML></TD>
    <TD></HTML> SQLiteWebAdmin is a webbased administration tool for SQLite Databases. It is written in PHP and requires PHP 4.x with SQLite extension or PHP 5. It provides management of multiple sqlite Databases. <HTML></TD>
!   <TD></HTML> ? <HTML></TD>
    <TD></HTML> {link: wtcSQLite} <HTML></TD>
    <TD></HTML> Web Tricks Central SQLite Administration Tool is an administration tool written in PHP. Create, edit, delete tables, data, indexes, triggers, views and more without knowing any SQL at all! On top of that, you may run 'ALTER TABLE' statements anywhere in wtcSQLite <HTML></TD>
!   <TD></HTML> ? <HTML></TD>
    <TD></HTML> {link: DCSQLite} <HTML></TD>
    <TD></HTML> A Flash MX2004 front-end based on Database Connector System to manage SQLite database files with PHP5 interaction. <HTML></TD>
!   <TD></HTML> ? <HTML></TD>
    <TD></HTML> {link: SQLiteFront} <HTML></TD>
    <TD></HTML> a tool to manage SQLite databases like phpMyAdmin is to MySQL. Written in pure PHP5 using PHP5 DOM XML, XSL and SQLite extensions <HTML></TD>
!   <TD></HTML> ? <HTML></TD>
  <TR BGCOLOR="#ffe0e0">
    <TD></HTML> {link: phpSQLiteAdmin} (1) <HTML></TD>
    <TD></HTML> PHP based administration tool for SQLite in the same style as phpMyAdmin. Requires PHP 4.3+. GPL. <HTML></TD>
!   <TD></HTML> ? <HTML></TD>
  <TR BGCOLOR="#ffe0e0">
--- 90,120 ----
    <TD></HTML> {link: SQLiteWebAdmin} <HTML></TD>
    <TD></HTML> SQLiteWebAdmin is a webbased administration tool for SQLite Databases. It is written in PHP and requires PHP 4.x with SQLite extension or PHP 5. It provides management of multiple sqlite Databases. <HTML></TD>
!   <TD></HTML> Artistic License <HTML></TD>
    <TD></HTML> {link: wtcSQLite} <HTML></TD>
    <TD></HTML> Web Tricks Central SQLite Administration Tool is an administration tool written in PHP. Create, edit, delete tables, data, indexes, triggers, views and more without knowing any SQL at all! On top of that, you may run 'ALTER TABLE' statements anywhere in wtcSQLite <HTML></TD>
!   <TD></HTML> LGPL <HTML></TD>
    <TD></HTML> {link: DCSQLite} <HTML></TD>
    <TD></HTML> A Flash MX2004 front-end based on Database Connector System to manage SQLite database files with PHP5 interaction. <HTML></TD>
!   <TD></HTML> GPL <HTML></TD>
    <TD></HTML> {link: SQLiteFront} <HTML></TD>
    <TD></HTML> a tool to manage SQLite databases like phpMyAdmin is to MySQL. Written in pure PHP5 using PHP5 DOM XML, XSL and SQLite extensions <HTML></TD>
!   <TD></HTML> GPL <HTML></TD>
  <TR BGCOLOR="#ffe0e0">
    <TD></HTML> {link: phpSQLiteAdmin} (1) <HTML></TD>
    <TD></HTML> PHP based administration tool for SQLite in the same style as phpMyAdmin. Requires PHP 4.3+. GPL. <HTML></TD>
!   <TD></HTML> GPL <HTML></TD>
  <TR BGCOLOR="#ffe0e0">