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  *: Inserting blob using X'AABBCCDD' syntax.
  *: Stored Procedures
  *: Rollup and Cube - _Who can tell me what this means?_
+ _::: I don't know much about it myself, but a quick google on the subject gives me... and
+ _::: both of these imply that the CUBE operator causes new rows to be generated to give a wildcard value to non-numeric columns and summing the numeric columns which match those wildcards. The potential for generating a huge amount of data with cube is implicit, I think - hence its name. ROLLUP appears to be related but removes some of the wildcards; I couldn't determine what from the limited information in the articles. I could not find, on brief examination any more definitive reference. Anyone got something more definitive than those articles ?  It seems to me that you can do with sum() everything you can do with CUBE.
  *: INSERT INTO with multiple rows (ie. INSERT INTO table VALUES (...), (...). etc)
  *: CREATE DATABASE, DROP DATABASE - _Does not seem meaningful for an
     embedded database engine like SQLite.  To create a new database, just