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*** 8,15 ****
  *: Inserting blob using X'AABBCCDD' syntax.
  *: Stored Procedures
  *: Rollup and Cube - _Who can tell me what this means?_
! _::: I don't know much about it myself, but a quick google on the subject gives me... and
! _::: both of these imply that the CUBE operator causes new rows to be generated to give a wildcard value to non-numeric columns and summing the numeric columns which match those wildcards. The potential for generating a huge amount of data with cube is implicit, I think - hence its name. ROLLUP appears to be related but removes some of the wildcards; I couldn't determine what from the limited information in the articles. I could not find, on brief examination any more definitive reference. Anyone got something more definitive than those articles ?  It seems to me that you can do with sum() everything you can do with CUBE.
  *: INSERT INTO with multiple rows (ie. INSERT INTO table VALUES (...), (...). etc)
  *: CREATE DATABASE, DROP DATABASE - _Does not seem meaningful for an
--- 8,23 ----
  *: Inserting blob using X'AABBCCDD' syntax.
  *: Stored Procedures
  *: Rollup and Cube - _Who can tell me what this means?_
! _::: I don't know much about it myself, but a quick google on the subject gives me... http://
! and
! library/weekly/aa070101a.htm
! _::: both of these imply that the CUBE operator causes new rows to be generated to give a wildcard 
! value to non-numeric columns and summing the numeric columns which match those wildcards. The 
! potential for generating a huge amount of data with cube is implicit, I think - hence its name. ROLLUP 
! appears to be related but removes some of the wildcards; I couldn't determine what from the limited 
! information in the articles. I could not find, on brief examination any more definitive reference. Anyone 
! got something more definitive than those articles ?  It seems to me that you can do with sum() 
! everything you can do with CUBE.
  *: INSERT INTO with multiple rows (ie. INSERT INTO table VALUES (...), (...). etc)
  *: CREATE DATABASE, DROP DATABASE - _Does not seem meaningful for an
*** 19,28 ****
  *: Schemas - _Who can tell me what this means?_
  _::: The idea is that multiple users using the same database can cleanly
  separate their tables, views (stored procs, etc) by prefixing them with
! their login, so jack's jack.importantTable is distinct from jill's jill.importantTable. There are administrative benefits ('Jack left and 
  we don't like his work; can we kill everything he did?' Ans: 'Yes, let me just
! drop his schema..', with aliases, jill.importantTable can be made available to everybody as 'importantTable', permissions can be hung off schemas). The common notation (jill.importantTable) would map to databasename.tablename in the current sqlite arrangement.
! *: TRUNCATE (MySQL, Postgresql and Oracle have it... but I dont know if this is a standard command) - _SQLite does this automatically when you do a DELETE
  without a WHERE clause._
  *: ORDER BY myfield ASC NULLS LAST (Oracle)
--- 27,40 ----
  *: Schemas - _Who can tell me what this means?_
  _::: The idea is that multiple users using the same database can cleanly
  separate their tables, views (stored procs, etc) by prefixing them with
! their login, so jack's jack.importantTable is distinct from jill's jill.importantTable. There are 
! administrative benefits ('Jack left and 
  we don't like his work; can we kill everything he did?' Ans: 'Yes, let me just
! drop his schema..', with aliases, jill.importantTable can be made available to everybody as 
! 'importantTable', permissions can be hung off schemas). The common notation (jill.importantTable) 
! would map to databasename.tablename in the current sqlite arrangement.
! *: TRUNCATE (MySQL, Postgresql and Oracle have it... but I dont know if this is a standard command) - 
! _SQLite does this automatically when you do a DELETE
  without a WHERE clause._
  *: ORDER BY myfield ASC NULLS LAST (Oracle)
*** 42,44 ****
--- 54,57 ----
  *: join syntax (+) (-) like oracle has  - _SQLite used to have this but it
  was removed because it is not standard SQL._
  *: name columns in views (i.e. CREATE VIEW (foo, bar) AS SELECT qux, quo FROM baz;)
+ *:FLOOR and CEILING functions, e.g. "SELECT FLOOR(salary) FROM personnel;"