Small. Fast. Reliable.
Choose any three.
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  *: The EXISTS keyword is not supported (IN is, but IN is only a special case of EXISTS). And what about corelated subqueries ?
+ _:Both supported as of 3.1.
  *: Multiple databases are not supported. For example, the following construct for creating a table in a database db1 based on a table in database db2 won't work:
    create table db1.table1 as select * from db2.table1;
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  their login, so jack's jack.importantTable is distinct from jill's jill.importantTable. There are administrative benefits ('Jack left and we don't like his work; can we kill everything he did?' Ans: 'Yes, let me just
  drop his schema..', with aliases, jill.importantTable can be made available to everybody as 'importantTable', permissions can be hung off schemas). The common notation (jill.importantTable) would map to databasename.tablename in the current sqlite arrangement.
+ _:::: This doesn't really make a lot of sense for an embedded database.
  *: TRUNCATE (MySQL, Postgresql and Oracle have it... but I dont know if this is a standard command) - _SQLite does this automatically when you do a DELETE
  without a WHERE clause. You can use also VACUUM command_
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  *: CURRENT-Functions like CURRENT_DATE, CURRENT_TIME are missing _Try "SELECT date('now');" or "SELECT datetime('now','localtime');"_
+ _:Added as of 3.1
  *: INSERTing less values than columns does not fill the missing columns with the default values; if less values than columns in the table are supplied, all columns filled have to be named before the keyword values
  *: INSERTing one record with all VALUES to DEFAULT: INSERT INTO example () VALUES (); 
  *: ESCAPE clause for LIKE
+ _:Added as of 3.1
  *: DISTINCT ON (expr,...) - this is from Postgres, where expr,... must be the leftmost expressions from the ORDER BY clause
  *: MEDIAN and standard deviation... are they standard?  Essential for sqlite standalone executable for shell script users.
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  _:To resolve compatibility issues, just do what you do now with the INTEGER PRIMARY_KEY fields with no default, but allow a DEFAULT SEQUENCENAME.NEXTVAL() or something...
+ _::For better or worse, the requested feature was added in 3.1
  *:SELECT t1.ID, (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM t2 WHERE t2.ID=t1.ID) FROM t1{linebreak}
  _:In other words, in a subselect backreferencing to a field in its parent select. 
+ _::Now supported as of 3.1
  *:More than one primary key per table, I can specify this with MySQL for example and SQLite returns me an error: more than one primary key specified...