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There is a list of features that SQLite does not support at If you find additional features that SQLite does not support, you may want to list them below.

  create table db1.table1 as select * from db2.table1;

  START WITH <conditions> CONNECT BY [PRIOR]<conditions> (ORACLE)

		-- SQLite does not allow "UPDATE ... FROM"
		-- but this is what it might look like
			measure = t2.measure
			t2, t1
			t2.key = t1.key

		-- emulating "UPDATE ... FROM" in SQLite
		-- n.b.:  it assumes a PRIMARY KEY !
		-- the INSERT never succeeds because 
		-- the JOIN restricts the SELECT to
		-- existing rows, forcing the REPLACE
			t1( key, measure )
			t2.key, t2.measure
			t2, t1
			t2.key = t1.key

(Hey, the formatting of this page was screwed up, let's see if it's better now...)

  • UPDATE t1, t2 SET t1.f1 = value WHERE t1.f2 = t2.fa

  • SHOW TABLES and DESCRIBE [tablename] would be nice - not sure if they're standard, but they are a rather nice feature of MySQL...

Sqlite is finally a database product that values performance and minimal footprint (disk and memory) above a trashcan strategy that would add whatever feature to make the result so-called 'feature rich', say, a bloated piece of software. Therefore, I would vehemently reject all additions listed above, except for one. It's quite difficult to obtain the result for a correlated 'NOT EXISTS' subquery in any alternative way; which is the choice way to determine a subset of data that doesn't satisfy criteria contained in another table.

-- Are you calling Oracle 'a bloated piece of software'?. LOL. I would love to see a comparison of Oracle and SQLite (latest stable or bleeding edge SQLite version Vs Oracle 10g). I would love it. [This comparison idea is as valid as comparing a novel to a short story.] Anyway, SQLite seems a lil' database engine for lil' works. Sorry, not enough for me :).