Small. Fast. Reliable.
Choose any three.
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        START WITH <conditions> CONNECT BY [PRIOR]<conditions> (ORACLE)
+ *: 2004.03.17 : FLOOR and CEILING functions, e.g. "SELECT FLOOR(salary) FROM personnel;"
  *: 2004.01.08 : MEDIAN and standard deviation... are they standard?  Essential for sqlite standalone executable for shell script users.
  _:_MEDIAN is difficult because it cannot be done "on-line," i.e., on a stream
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  *: 2003.07.28 : Stored Procedures
  *: 2003.07.28 : Rollup and Cube -> UnsupportedSqlRollupAndCube
- *:FLOOR and CEILING functions, e.g. "SELECT FLOOR(salary) FROM personnel;"
  *: Oracle's join syntax using (+) and (-):
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