Small. Fast. Reliable.
Choose any three.
*** 1,4 ****
! ***Proposed Virtual Table Mechanism For SQLite***
  A virtual table is an object that is registered with
  an open SQLite database connection.  From the perspective
--- 1,4 ----
! ***Virtual Tables In SQLite***
  A virtual table is an object that is registered with
  an open SQLite database connection.  From the perspective
*** 11,227 ****
  The virtual table mechanism allows an application to
  publish interfaces that are accessible from SQL statements
  as if they were tables.
! SQL statements can in general do anything to a virtual table that they
! can do to a real table, though particular virtual table implementations
! might restrict what actions are allowed on a case by case basis.
  A virtual table might represent an in-memory data
  structures.  Or it might represent a view of data on disk
  that is not in the SQLite format.  Or the application
  might compute the content of the virtual table on demand.
! Two data structures are used by the virtual table
! implementation:
!   typedef struct sqlite3_vtab_cursor sqlite3_vtab_cursor;
!   typedef struct sqlite3_vtab sqlite3_vtab;
! The sqlite3_vtab_cursor structure is an opaque type that
! represents a pointer into a virtual table.  The
! sqlite3_vtab structure is the method table for the virtual
! table object.  A read-only instance of this structure defines
! the format of the virtual table and the callback methods that
! are invoked when SQL is executed against the virtual table.
! The sqlite3_vtab structure looks like this:
!   struct sqlite3_vtab {
!     /* The first group of fields define the format of the virtual table
!     */
!     int nCol;                 /* Number of columns in the virtual table */
!     const char **azColName;   /* Name of each column */
!     const char **azDeclType;  /* Declared data type for each column */
!     int intPrimKey;           /* The INTEGER PRIMARY KEY column.  -1 for none */
!     int nIdx;                 /* Number of indices */
!     const struct _vtab_idx {  /* For each index */
!       int nCol;                    /* Number of columns in this index */
!       const struct _vtab_idx_col { /* For each column in this index */
!         int iCol;                      /* The column in table that is indexed */
!         const char *zColl;             /* Name of the collating sequence */
!       } *aCol;
!     } *aIdx;
!     /* The rest of this structure define callbacks for various operations
!     ** against the virtual table
!     */
!     int (*xConnect)(void *pArg);
!     int (*xOpenCursor)(void *pArg, sqlite3_vtab_cursor**, int idx);
!     int (*xInsert)(sqlite3_vtab_cursor*, sqlite3_int64 rowid, int nCol,
!                    sqlite3_value **apCol);
!     sqlite3_int64 (*xNewRowid)(sqlite3_vtab_cursor*);
!     int (*xDelete)(sqlite3_vtab_cursor*);
!     int (*xSeek)(sqlite3_vtab_cursor*, int, sqlite3_value**, int*);
!     int (*xFirst)(sqlite3_vtab_cursor*);
!     int (*xLast)(sqlite3_vtab_cursor*);
!     int (*xNext)(sqlite3_vtab_cursor*);
!     int (*xPrevious)(sqlite3_vtab_cursor*);
!     int (*xColumn)(sqlite3_vtab_cursor*, sqlite3_context*, int);
!     int (*xCloseCursor)(sqlite3_vtab_cursor*);
!     int (*xBegin)(void *pArg);
!     int (*xSync)(void *pArg);
!     int (*xCommit)(void *pArg);
!     int (*xRollback)(void *pArg);
!     int (*xIsInTrans)(void *pArg);
!     void (*xDisconnect)(void *pArg);
!   };
! A virtual table implementation must define and initialize an
! instance of the sqlite_vtab structure and pass a pointer to
! that structure into the sqlite3_create_virtual_table API in
! order to register the virtual table object with an SQLite
! database connection.  The details of how a sqlite3_vtab
! object must be initialized are documented separately.
! The sqlite3_create_virtual_table API used to create a new
! virtual table is as follows:
!   int sqlite3_create_virtual_table(
!     sqlite3 *db,
!     const char *zTableName,
!     const sqlite3_vtab *pVTab,
!     void *pArg
!   );
! The zTableName paramater is the name of the table to be created.
! The pVTab parameter defines the characteristics of the table.
! The pArg parameter can have additional information needed by
! the virtual table instance.  The pArg parameter is passed
! unaltered into many of the callback methods defined in the
  sqlite3_vtab structure.
! -----
! _The latest thoughts on virtual tables as of 2006-06-02:_
! A virtual table is created using SQL as follows:
!    CREATE TABLE vtabname USING c_module(arg-list);
! For example, suppose we want to create a virtual table that
! will do full-text search on the content of email messages:
!    CREATE TABLE emailfts USING fulltextsearch1;
! The "fulltextsearch1" identifier is associated with a C-language
! module that is registered separately, in a manner similar to
! the way collating sequences and user-defined functions are
! registered.  The argument-list to the module is optional.  No
! arguments are shown in the example above, though in practice we
! would probably add arguments to specify various options to the
! full text search engine, such as what tokenizer and stemmer
! algorithms to use and whether or not token positional information
! should be stored in order to help with phrase queries.
! In the fulltextsearch1 module, the columns of the virtual
! table are fixed.  One can image a more sophisticated implementation
! in which the columns are specified by arguments:
!    CREATE TABLE emailfts USING fts2(
!      subj TEXT INDEXED,
!      body TEXT INDEXED
!    );
! The comma-separate arguments to the C-language module in a
! virtual table create statement can be any arbitrary sequence
! of tokens.  The arguments are passed into the module as a
! array of strings, one string for each argument.  The module
! is responsible for parsing the arguments.  In the example
! above, we would expect the module to create a virtual table
! containing three columns named docid, subj, and body.  We
! further expect the virtual table to cause docid to be the
! rowid and that subj and body are both columns that participate
! in the full-text index.  In this example, the internal parser
! in fts2 would interpret its arguments very much like a standard
! SQL table declaration.
! But arguments do not have to be interpreted this way.  The
! arguments could be used to specify optional parameters.
! Consider the following example:
!    CREATE TABLE emailfts3 USING fts3(
!      stemmer = porter,
!      retain content = off,
!      fast phrase searching = off
! Here we have a example of a full-text search
! engine that has fixed column names, but is configured to
! select a different stemmer, to store only the index and not the
! original text of the documents being indexed, and to use a slower
! but more disk-space efficient algorithm for doing phrase searching.
! All of the examples above are hypothetical.  They are intended to
! show the flexibility of the virtual table mechanism.  An actual
! full-text search virtual table might work differently from the
! examples above.  The examples are intended to illustrate the
! power and flexibility of virtual tables, not to serve as a
! design spec for full-text search.
! The CREATE TABLE statements for virtual tables
! are stored in the SQLITE_MASTER table and are reread when a
! new connection is created or after a schema change.  The
! implementation modules (the "fulltextsearch1") need not be
! registered at the time the virtual table is created.
! But the virtual table cannot be used until after the
! module has been registered.
! A full-text index would require additional real tables and/or
! indices to store auxiliary information needed to help speed
! the full-text search.  These additional tables and indices
! would be created automatically, if they do not already exist,
! when the CREATE TABLE statement is first executed, or when
! the fulltextsearch1 module is first registered - whichever
! comes second.  Triggers would also be created to cause
! changes to the email table to make corresponding changes to
! the real tables and indices that back the virtual table.
! A new C-language API will be developed that allows the
! module to mark these triggers as protected so that they
! cannot be accidently dropped.  These triggers would also
! provent other processes from modifying the email table unless
! they had the fulltestsearch1 module registered.
! To better support full-text search, a new binary operator called
! "MATCH" will be provided.  The default operation of MATCH is to
! call a function named "match" with parameters which are the left
! and right operands of the MATCH operator.  Virtual tables can
! specify alternative processing for the MATCH operator, however.
! The optimizer will detect this and allow virtual tables to perform
! the MATCH operation for themselves.  Thus, full-text query
! statements can be of the form:
!    SELECT * FROM emailfts WHERE body MATCH 'search string'
!     ORDER BY date DESC LIMIT 10;
! A default implementation of the MATCH procedure will do full
! text search without using indices.  This will be slow for
! large data sets, but will provide consistent results even
! in the absence of a full-text index.
! ----
! Potential uses:
! *: Access to SQLite's internal symbol table information.
! *: Access to variables in the host scripting language.
! *: A full-text search interface
! *: Spatial Indexes
! *: Enabling SQL manipulation of data in statistics packages like R
! *: Constructing a federated group of SQLite engines on a cluster for large scale data mining.
! *: Make a completely different backing store for SQLite tables: memory mapped files, other databases, etc.
--- 11,214 ----
  The virtual table mechanism allows an application to
  publish interfaces that are accessible from SQL statements
  as if they were tables.
! SQL statements can in general do almost anything to a virtual table that they
! can do to a real table.  There are some exceptions, though.
! *:  You cannot create a trigger on a virtual table
! *:  You cannot create additional indices on a virtual table.
!     (Virtual tables can have indices but that must be built into
!     the virtual table implementation. They cannot be added separately
!     using CREATE INDEX statements.)
! *:  You cannot run ALTER TABLE commands against a virtual table.
! Particular virtual table implementations might impose additional
! constraints.  For example, some virtual implementations might
! provide read-only tables.  Or some virtual table implementations
! might allow INSERT or DELETE but not UPDATE.
  A virtual table might represent an in-memory data
  structures.  Or it might represent a view of data on disk
  that is not in the SQLite format.  Or the application
  might compute the content of the virtual table on demand.
! Here are some postulated uses for virtual tables:
! *: Access to SQLite's internal symbol table information.
! *: Access to variables in the host scripting language.
! *: A full-text search interface
! *: Spatial Indexes
! *: Enabling SQL manipulation of data in statistics packages like R
! *: Constructing a federated group of SQLite engines on a cluster
!    for large scale data mining.
! *: Make a completely different backing store for SQLite tables:
!    memory mapped files, other databases, etc.
! *Usage*
! Create a virtual table using a CREATE VIRTUAL TABLE statement.
! This statement creates a table with a particular name and associates
! the table with a "module".
!    CREATE TABLE tablename USING modulename;
! You can also provide comma-separated arguments to the module
! following the module name:
!    CREATE TABLE tablename USING modulename(arg1, arg2, ...);
! The format of the arguments to the module is very general.
! Each argument can consist of keywords, string literals,
! identifiers, numbers, and punctuation.
! The arguments are passed as written (as text) into a
! constructor for the for the virtual table when the
! virtual table is created and the constructor is responsible
! for parsing and interpreting the arguments.  The argument
! syntax is sufficiently general that a virtual table
! implementation can, if it wants to, interpret its arguments
! as column definitions in an ordinary CREATE TABLE statement.
! Or the implementation could impose some other interpretation
! on the arguments.  The SQLite core does not care.
! Once a virtual table has been created, it can be used like
! any other table with the exceptions noted above and imposed
! by specific virtual table implementations.  A virtual table
! is destroyed using the ordinary DROP TABLE syntax.
! *Implementation*
! Several new data structures are used by the virtual table
! implementation:
+   typedef struct sqlite3_vtab sqlite3_vtab;
+   typedef struct sqlite3_index_info sqlite3_index_info;
+   typedef struct sqlite3_vtab_cursor sqlite3_vtab_cursor;
+   typedef struct sqlite3_module sqlite3_module;
! The sqlite3_module structure defines a module object
! used to implement a virtual table.  Think of a module
! as a class from which you can construct multiple virtual
! tables having similar properties.  For example, one might
! have a module that provides read-only access to
! comma-separated-value (CSV) files on disk.  That one
! module can then be used to create several virtual tables
! where each virtual table refers to a different CSV file.
! The module structure contains
! methods that are invoked by SQLite to perform various
! actions on the virtual table such as creating new instances
! of a virtual table or destroying old ones, reading and writing
! data, searching for and deleting, updating, or inserting
! rows.  The module structure is explained in more detail
! below.
! Each virtual table instance is represented by an
  sqlite3_vtab structure.
+ The sqlite3_vtab structure looks like this:
!   struct sqlite3_vtab {
!     const sqlite3_module *pModule;
!   };
! Virtual table implementation will normally
! subclass this structure to add additional fields
! that are private to that implementation.
! The sqlite3_vtab_cursor structure
! represents a pointer into a virtual table.
! This is what an sqlite3_vtab_cursor looks like:
!   struct sqlite3_vtab_cursor {
!     sqlite3_vtab *pVtab;
!   };
! Once again, useful implementation will likely subclass
! this structure to add additional fields that are
! private to the implementation.
! The sqlite3_index_info structure is used to pass
! information into out of the xBestIndex method of
! the module that implements a virtual table.  For
! additional information on this structure, see the
! VirtualTableBestIndexMethod documentation.
! Before a CREATE VIRTUAL TABLE statement can be run,
! the module specified in that statement must be
! registered with the database connection.  This
! is accomplished using this routine:
!   int sqlite3_create_module(
!     sqlite3 *db,               /* SQLite connection to register module with */
!     const char *zName,         /* Name of the module */
!     const sqlite3_module *,    /* Methods for the module */
!     void *                     /* Client data for xCreate/xConnect */
! The sqlite3_create_module() command associates a module
! name with an sqlite3_module structure and a separate
! client data that is specific to each module.  The
! module structure looks like this:
!   struct sqlite3_module {
!     int iVersion;
!     const char *zName;
!     int (*xCreate)(sqlite3*, void *pAux,
!                  int argc, char **argv,
!                  sqlite3_vtab **ppVTab);
!     int (*xConnect)(sqlite3*, void *pAux,
!                  int argc, char **argv,
!                  sqlite3_vtab **ppVTab);
!     int (*xBestIndex)(sqlite3_vtab *pVTab, sqlite3_index_info*);
!     int (*xDisconnect)(sqlite3_vtab *pVTab);
!     int (*xDestroy)(sqlite3_vtab *pVTab);
!     int (*xOpen)(sqlite3_vtab *pVTab, sqlite3_vtab_cursor **ppCursor);
!     int (*xClose)(sqlite3_vtab_cursor*);
!     int (*xFilter)(sqlite3_vtab_cursor*, int idxNum, const char *idxStr,
!                   int argc, sqlite3_value **argv);
!     int (*xNext)(sqlite3_vtab_cursor*);
!     int (*xColumn)(sqlite3_vtab_cursor*, sqlite3_context*, int);
!     int (*xRowid)(sqlite3_vtab_cursor*, sqlite_int64 *pRowid);
!     int (*xUpdate)(sqlite3_vtab *, int, sqlite3_value **, sqlite_int64 *);
!     int (*xBegin)(sqlite3_vtab *pVTab);
!     int (*xSync)(sqlite3_vtab *pVTab);
!     int (*xCommit)(sqlite3_vtab *pVTab);
!     int (*xRollback)(sqlite3_vtab *pVTab);
!   };
! The module structure defines all of the methods for each
! virtual table object.  The module structure also contains
! the iVersion field which defines the particular edition of
! the module table structure.  Currently, iVersion is always
! 1, but in future releases of SQLite the module structure
! definition might be extended with additional methods and in
! that case the iVersion value will be increased.
! The module structure also contains the zName field which
! is the name of the module used for error messages.
! The rest of the module structure consists of methods used
! to implement various features of the virtual table.
! Details on what each of these methods do are provided
! on the VirtualTableMethods page.
! *Creating New Virtual Tables*
! Follow these steps to create your own virtual table:
! 1: Write all necessary methods.
! 2: Create an instance of the sqlite3_module structure
!    containing pointers to all the methods from step 1.
! 3: Register your sqlite3_module structure using the
!    sqlite3_create_module() API.
! 4: Run a CREATE VIRTUAL TABLE command that specifies
!    your module in the USING clause.
! The only really hard part is step 1.  You might want to
! start with an existing virtual table implementation and
! modify it to suit your needs.  There are several virtual
! table methods implemented in the SQLite source tree
! (for testing purposes).
! You might can use one of those as a guide.  Locate
! these test virtual methods by searching for "sqlite3_create_method".
! You might also want to implement your new virtual table
! as a {link: wiki?p=LoadableExtensions loadable extension}.