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There is a list of features that SQLite does not support at If you find additional features that SQLite does not support, you may want to list them below.

      CREATE DOMAIN code_postal_us AS TEXT;

      UPDATE table SET col = 'value', col2 = 'value2'
      WHERE id_r = 'id_of_row' LIMIT 1;

      SELECT ROWID FROM table WHERE id_r = 'id_of_row' LIMIT 1;
      UPDATE table SET col = ... WHERE ROWID = ...;


      SELECT department_id, last_name, salary, commission_pct,
      RANK() OVER (PARTITION BY department_id
      ORDER BY salary DESC, commission_pct) comp_rank
      FROM employees
      WHERE department_id = 80

      SELECT t1.code, t2.code
      FROM table1 t1, table2 t2
      WHERE t1.t2_ref_id *=

      This is Sybase ASE syntax. Use LEFT JOIN or RIGHT JOIN instead.
      (This is related to "Oracle's join syntax" mentioned below.)

      Select A1, A2, A3 into (:p1, :p2, :p3) from TableA

      update T1 set (theUpdatedValue, theOtherValue) =
      (select theTop, theValue from T2 where T2.theKey = T1.theID)

      SELECT timestamp from table LIMIT
      x,1; DELETE from table
      where timestamp < .....

      INSERT INTO example ()
      VALUES ();

      INSERT INTO example (rowid) values (null);

      SELECT a1.a, a1.b, a2.a, a2.b
      FROM a1 LEFT JOIN a2 ON a2.b = a1.a

      SELECT a1.a, a1.b, a2.a, a2.b
      FROM a1, a2
      WHERE a1.a = a2.b(+);

      START WITH <conditions> CONNECT BY [PRIOR]<conditions> (ORACLE)

      SELECT x.Hours median
      FROM BulbLife x, BulbLife y
      GROUP BY x.Hours
         SUM(CASE WHEN y.Hours <= x.Hours
            THEN 1 ELSE 0 END)>=(COUNT(*)+1)/2 AND
         SUM(CASE WHEN y.Hours >= x.Hours
            THEN 1 ELSE 0 END)>=(COUNT(*)/2)+1

		CREATE TABLE strings (
			string_id INTEGER NOT NULL,
			language_id INTEGER NOT NULL,
			string TEXT,
			PRIMARY KEY (string_id, language_id)

There is a way to simulte that functions, See: -> FAQ for more informations.

Can someone tell me how to fake describe until something like this is implemented? Sorry, I'm too dependent on Oracle apparently :(

  Use the "dot" commands:


That's not a legal FOREIGN KEY clause; you have to specify what the foreign key references. SQLite parses, but does not enforce, syntactically-legal FOREIGN KEY specifications; there's a PRAGMA that will retrieve foreign-key information from table definitions, allowing you to enforce such constraints with application code.


The infrastructure for this syntax now exists, but you have to create a user-defined regex matching function.

        create table mysql_sequences (
            sequence_name char(32) not null primary key,
            sequence_start bigint not null default 1,
            sequence_increment bigint not null default 1,
            sequence_value bigint not null default 1

      create table db1.table1 as select * from db2.table1;

NOT EXISTS remarks (off topic) -> UnsupportedSqlRemarkOffTopic

What about Apache Derby? It uses the Apache 2.0 license and is easy to embed in Java applications ( -- See SqliteVersusDerby

Tcl related

  set values [list a b c]
  db eval { SELECT * FROM table WHERE x IN ($values) }

SQLite does its own variable interpolation which avoids the (messy) need to do value quoting/escaping (to protect against SQL injection attacks, etc.) but in the case where it's an "IN ($variable)" clause, it treats $variable as a single value instead of a Tcl list of values. Or, maybe I'm doing something wrong. If I am, please let me know: